mardi 7 octobre 2008

The Lottery

The very first time that I read the short story '' The Lottery '' was back in 2007, I don't really remember what my first reaction to it was. I think I was a little shocked with the whole outcome, with the person who had a black spot dies. It was a little twist that I wasn't expecting, but then this morning, when we had a discussion about what it could symbolize, and we started to give examples. I was starting to realize, we base our lives on our own morals, but we can't decide our fate. It is not in our control to be born where we were born, or who our parents are, or what country we were born in. It was our fate. Although, living where we are, we start to build our personnalities that are formed by the ones who surround us, and the problems we have to face. We can be in control of our lives, when I see people on TV, where the drugs and alcohol ruin their lives, it's because they were the ones who decided to try it, and they were the ones who knew what it could do to them, yet they did it anyways. It is not in our hands to decide the fate of another human being. We do not have the rights to that. When people who murder others, they are put in jail for a certain reason, who are they to say that it's their time? It is not our responsibility to decide the other one's fate.

1 commentaire:

M. David a dit…

Good analysis! I really like your interpretation of the story! Very profound!